All times below in BST.

Monday September 30

Opening Keynote: Transforming Global Food Security

Joining to open the summit, Gunther Beger, Managing Director of the Directorate of SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation at UNIDO, will present a strategic call to action, addressing critical global food security challenges and outlining innovative solutions to ensure sustainable and resilient food systems.

Gunther Beger, Managing Director of the Directorate of SDG Innovation and Economic Transformation, UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION

Presentation: Remote Sensing and Earth Observation for Yield Prediction & Policy Responses

Continuing the conversation of the opening panel, Inbal Becker-Reshef of NASA Harvest will demonstrate how remote sensing and Earth observation technologies enhance yield prediction, inform policy responses, and strengthen global food system resilience.

Inbal Becker-Reshef, Director, NASA HARVEST

Achieving Agricultural Resilience in Europe: Navigating Geopolitics, Climate and Risk
  • What scenarios and forecasts should be considered in planning for future climate impacts and what policies are needed to support long-term agricultural resilience in Europe?
  • If key agricultural regions experience climate-induced failures, what implications does this have for the viability of specific crops and long-term agricultural economics?
  • How can technology support farmers with adaptation and what are the key priorities for research and investment to enhance agricultural resilience?
  • In the face of policy changes and economic crises, how can industry leaders, policymakers, financial institutions, and stakeholders facilitate greater access to tools for climate resilience among Europe’s farmers?

Tim Benton, Distinguished Fellow, CHATHAM HOUSE

Patrick Pagani, Deputy Secretary General, COPA-COGECA
Gustavo Palerosi Carneiro, SVP Agricultural Solutions EMEA & CIS, BASF
Arnaud Petit, Executive Director, INTERNATIONAL GRAINS COUNCIL
Inbal Becker-Reshef, Director, NASA HARVEST

Fireside Chat // Corporate Strategies Driving Investment in Climate Smart Agriculture & Innovation
  • How far have agri-food corporates come on their sustainability journeys, and how are they integrating sustainability into their R&D strategies?
  • How have recent market changes influenced the innovation models adopted by large corporates over the past year?
  • What are some successful examples of R&D collaborations between food companies, tech start-ups, and research institutions that have led to the effective implementation of climate adaptation technologies?
  • What are the future challenges likely to be faced by the agri-tech innovation world and what future commitments and investments are needed? How can the agri-food industry foster greater collaboration and cultivate an innovation ecosystem?

Robert Berendes, Executive Partner, FLAGSHIP PIONEERING

Camilla Corsi, Head of Crop Protection Research, SYNGENTA
Charles Godfray, 

Presentation: Fostering Innovation and Resilience in Agriculture

Welcoming the new Labour Government Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Daniel Zeichner, to discuss the UK and Europe’s strategic approaches to fostering innovation and resilience in agriculture.

Daniel Zeichner, Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA, UK GOVERNMENT

Climate Strategy: Integrating Scope 3, Carbon Tax and Emissions Trading in Europe
  • What is the EU’s vision for the policy framework around carbon credits in the agriculture sector? With an open dialogue ongoing about the mechanisms that could support emissions reductions in the agricultural sector, what level of pressure can producers in the EU expect to face to comply with new regulations? What obligations does this place on processors, impacting Scope 3 emissions?
  • What innovation is needed in dairy and other agricultural sectors to reduce emissions while maintaining productivity? How could EU policies support the development and adoption of technologies like no-till machinery and laser weeding?
  • What would a carbon removal certification framework for agriculture entail, and how could it integrate into a future emissions trading system? What criteria must carbon removal practices meet, and how will this drive technology innovations?
  • Beyond monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV), what additional support do farmers need to capture carbon and or contribute to emission reductions?

Giulia Stellari, Director, FALL LINE CAPITAL

Anastasia Volkova, Co-Founder & CEO, REGROW AG
Mónica Andrés Enríquez, EVP, Europe, YARA
Christian Holzleitner, Head of Unit for Land Economy and Carbon Removals, Directorate-General for Climate Action, EUROPEAN COMMISSION
Barbara de Penanster, 
Global Sustainability & Responsible Sourcing Senior Director, DANONE

Reimagining Food Systems: Navigating the Nexus of Sustainability, Innovation, and Policy

As global food demand escalates, Henry Dimbleby will delve into how the convergence of sustainability, innovation, and policy can address food security and climate challenges. This presentation will highlight transformative strategies to enhance the resilience and sustainability of our food systems.

Henry Dimbleby, Managing Partner, BRAMBLE PARTNERS

Networking Lunch Break
Integrating Data, Equipment & Precision: Sustainable Farming and Enhanced ROI
  • What collaborative efforts are emerging to integrate data insights, equipment, and engineering to drive advances in farming practices like precision spraying and weeding?
  • What new business models are emerging to enable access to smart farming solutions? How do these models ensure they provide value and a positive ROI for farmers?
  • How are these technologies contributing to overall productivity and enhancing sustainability metrics?
  • How is the agricultural value chain evolving to effectively deliver and capture value through these technological advancements?

Jorge Heraud, Co-Founder, Blue River Technology, HERAUD CONSULTING

Peter van der Vlugt, Managing Director – Innovation Center Europe, KUBOTA
Andrew Diprose, CEO, ROOTWAVE
Jonathan Henry, Managing Director, GARFORD FARM MACHINERY
Konstantin Krestchun, Global Head and Managing Director of Digital Farming Solutions, XARVIO

Enhanced Plant Breeding & Genomics: Unlocking Climate Resilience and Competitiveness
  • What legislative developments can we anticipate from the European Parliament on new genomic breeding techniques in the next year, and what outcomes have emerged in England since the Precision Breeding Bill was enacted?
  • Where are the greatest opportunities to tackle shrinking crop diversity within the food system? How can new approaches to crop breeding expand the number of varieties for commercial crops and address concerns around future food security?
  • How can we foster greater collaboration between industry, universities and academic institutions to enable access to advanced gene-editing and breeding tools and accelerate the process of discovery to address global food security challenges?

Tom Greene, Sr. Director, Global Leader Corteva Catalyst, External Innovation Investment, CORTEVA

Stefan Schwarz, Head of Innovation of Licensing, KWS GROUP

Networking Roundtable Discussions

These roundtable discussions will provide an opportunity for attendees to engage in small-group collaborative discussions focused on specific topics from the summit agenda. Hosted by members of the key panels and other expert speakers, these discussions will allow for in-depth exploration of key issues, sharing of best practices, and networking among participants.

  • Open Innovation in Agriculture: Enhancing Progress Through Collaboration and Partnerships
    Host: Kendra Gittus, Global Open Innovation Lead – CP, SYNGENTA 
  • Transition to 2050: Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems for People, Profit & Planet
    Host: Neil Kay, Vice President – Agricultural Solutions EMEA West, BASF
  • Microbial BioFungicides: Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture
    Host: Rubik Sommerhalder, Chief Commercial Officer, APHEA.BIO
  • GenAI & Ag: Intelligent Outcomes Transforming the Agri-Food Chain
    Host: Claudia Roessler, Agriculture – Strategic Partnerships, Cloud for Industry, MICROSOFT
  • Carbon Credits: Building Trust and Solutions Across the Supply Chain
    Host: Bruno Meireles de Sousa, Venture Partner, BIDRA INNOVATION VENTURES/ROCKSTART
  • Enhancing Supply Chain Resilience: Water Management and Biodiversity in Agriculture
    Host: Marianne Kleiberg, Regional Managing Director Europe, THE NATURE CONSERVANCY
  • Navigating the AgTech Winter: Startups, Robotics, and the Future of Farming Automation
    Host: Peter van der Vlugt, Managing Director – Innovation Center Europe, KUBOTA
  • Tracking Nature Tech: Navigating Emerging Regulations in Ag and Biodiversity
    Host: Evan Paul, Senior Director, Innovation for Nature, SALESFORCE
  • Advancing Biopesticides: Sustainable Solutions for Crop Protection
    Host: Fanny Rolet, CEO, ANTOFÉNOL
  • Ag-Tech Growth: Laying Foundations to Tackle Emerging Challenges & Opportunity.
    Host: Phil Bicknell, CEO, UK AGRI-TECH CENTRE
  • Investment Strategic Moves: Navigating the Evolving AgTech Landscape
    Host: Alexander Corbacho, Partner, PAINE SCHWARTZ PARTNERS
  • Transitioning Regen Ag: Frameworks, Farming and Grower Collaboration
    Host: James Hopwood, Director – Agriculture, MCCAIN FOODS
  • Unlocking ROI in Agriculture: Challenges, Success Stories, and Strategies
    Host: Sumanta Talukdar, CEO & Founder, GARDIN
  • AgTech’s AI Data Problem: Why it Matters and How To Fix It
    Host: Eric Landau, Co-founder & CEO, ENCORD
  • AI and Gene Editing: Shaping the Future of Seed Products
    Host: Mat Müller, Senior Technical Director, CORTEVA CATALYST
  • From the Field: Challenges, Opportunities, and the Future of Sustainable Agriculture
    Host: John Barrett, Farms Director, SENTRY
Networking Coffee Break
The Farmers’ Outlook: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Agriculture
  • With evolving regulations and shifting incentives in Europe and the UK, farmers face the challenge of balancing regulatory compliance with sustainable business management. How are new agricultural policies shaping farmers’ practices in the short and long term, and what decisions and trade-offs do farmers anticipate making in response?
  • How close are farmers to the end users of the supply chain and are those relationships moving closer or maintaining the status quo? Who is gaining access to farmer programmes set up by CPGs, and who is being left out?
  • What kinds of policy schemes do farmers feel would be most helpful? What action would it take to shape incentives that address core farmer concerns?
  • What role do farmers feel policy should play in the adoption of new technology? Are growers comfortable with the pace of tech innovation and what types of technologies are they looking for?
  • What role do cooperatives play in achieving sustainable agriculture impacts, and what unique incentives can cooperatives provide due to their farmer ownership structure?

Helen Browning, Chief Executive, SOIL ASSOCIATION

Daniel Cross, Managing Director, DYSON FARMING
Ben Makowiecki, Agriculture Sustainability Director, LLOYDS BANKING GROUP
Abi Reader, Farmer & Deputy President, GOLDSLAND FARM/NFU CYMRU
Sophie Throup, Technical and Sustainability Director – Manufacturing, MORRISONS

Regenerative Farming: Farm-Level Implementation and Emerging Partnerships
  • Farmers, from small-scale operations to corporate-backed operations, are increasingly adopting regenerative farming practices. How are these practices being implemented at the farm gate, and how are growers monitoring outcomes such as soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration?
  • How is the transition to regenerative agriculture being bolstered through technologies utilising AI, fintech, soil monitoring, verification and reporting? How are these tools being utilised to monitor GHG emissions, soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration?
  • What partnerships are emerging between technology providers, retailers and food brands to effectively roll out regenerative tools and incentivise them to growers?

Louisa Burwood-Taylor, Managing Editor and Head of News & Research, AGFUNDER

Jake Pickering, Senior Agriculture Manager, WAITROSE & PARTNERS
Andre Eitner, Director Global Climate Action Agriculture and Europe Positive Agriculture, PEPSICO
Selim Ucer, Co-Founder, DOKTAR
Simon Haldrup,
Co-Founder & CEO, AGREENA

EBRD Ag Venture Winners

Join the EBRD for the announcement of the EBRD AgVenture winners, showcasing groundbreaking agrifood-tech innovations from the EBRDs economies of operation. Following on from the breakout session in the morning, the EBRD will announce the winners of the competition live on the main stage and hear from the overall winner about their product, company and entrepreneurial journey.

EBRD AgVenture supported by Spain through the EBRD’s High-Impact Partnership on Climate Action – HIPCA (also supported by Austria, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, South Korea, Switzerland, the Taiwan ICDF, the United Kingdom and the United States of America).

Nemanja GrgicAssociate Director, Agribusiness AdvisoryEBRD
Ervin Luga, 
Associate Director, Head of VCIP, EBRD
Natalia Zhukova, 
Director, Head of Agribusiness, EBRD
Andrew D. Ive, 
Founder & Managing General Partner, BIG IDEA VENTURES

Abanob Saad, Business Development Director, CROPSA EGYPT
Ahmad Mah’d Jum’a Jaber Altawafsheh,
Petar Pejic,
 CEO/Associate ProfessorBEEHOLD
Can Demirezen, 

Seizing Opportunities: Strategic Moves in the Evolving AgTech Funding Landscape
  • In the past year, the agtech sector has undergone substantial consolidation. What challenges are arising in both public and private investments? How is this impacting early and later stage start-ups?
  • How are start-ups and investors engaging with innovative strategies like roll-ups and partnerships? Where are the unique opportunities for growth and expansion through this process?
  • What is the trajectory for the future of agtech investment? How do VCs view the current landscape and investment opportunities, and where do we see promising signs of sustained growth and recovery in the sector?

Adam Anders, Managing Partner, ANTERRA CAPITAL

Rob Appleby, CIO & Founder, CIBUS CAPITAL
Alexander Corbacho, Partner, PAINE SCHWARTZ PARTNERS
Rogier Pieterse, Managing Partner, PYMWYMIC
Anne-Valérie Bach, Managing Director, CAPAGRO
Eduardo Mufarej, Co-Chief Investment Officer, JUST CLIMATE

Networking Happy Hour

Tuesday October 1

Breakfast Briefing: Women Leading the Way in in Agriculture

Start your day with networking and engaging discussions, highlighting inspirational women leaders in the agtech industry. Open to all.


New Generation Farming: A Commercial Roadmap for Regeneratively Grown Products

Opening the second day of the summit, Andy Cato, Co-Founder of Wildfarmed, will present a strategic roadmap for advancing regenerative agriculture. Discover key strategies for scaling regenerative practices, adopting sustainable methods, and addressing the evolving market demands for regeneratively grown products.

Andy Cato, Co-Founder, WILDFARMED

Enhancing Resilience: Integrating Natural Capital and Promoting Regenerative Practices
  • How are retailers and food companies integrating natural capital considerations into their operations and supply chain strategies to enhance sustainability and resilience across soil, water, biodiversity and climate?
  • What collaborations are we seeing between farmers and suppliers to promote and facilitate the transition towards sustainable, regenerative and nature-positive practices? How can these initiatives be effectively implemented to strengthen resilience across supply chains?
  • What are the economic barriers preventing farmers from rapidly scaling regenerative agriculture practices, and how can industry stakeholders, policymakers, and organisations effectively support farmers in overcoming these challenges?
  • Large landowners and institutional investors play a crucial role in catalysing the transition to sustainable agriculture. What strategies are institutional investors employing to demonstrate the value of regenerative agriculture to landowners and how are they supporting this transition?

Jack Bobo, Director Food Systems Institute, UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM

Marianne Kleiberg, Regional Managing Director Europe, THE NATURE CONSERVANCY
Claes Johansson, Head of Sustainability, LANTMÄNNEN
Luc Beerens,
Global Sustainable Sourcing Director, MARS
Christopher Stewart, Global Head of Sustainability Impact, OFI OLAM FOOD INGREDIENTS

Financing the Green Transition in Food & Agriculture
  • How can impact funding address the estimated $350 billion annual requirement to enhance food system sustainability? Where does the current trajectory stand in meeting this goal?
  • What innovative investment instruments and advisory services are banks, family offices, insurance companies, foundations, and asset managers developing to enhance access to pioneering companies and projects within the food and agtech sectors?
  • With the rise of greenwashing and impact washing in the industry, how are investors addressing the lack of benchmarking and standards in deploying capital and measuring its impact?

Gemma Cranston, Executive Director, POLLINATION

Laurent-David Charbit, Co-Head of Private Equity Regenerative Agriculture Strategy, TIKEHAU CAPITAL
Ben Stafford, Chief Executive, REGENERATE ASSET MANAGEMENT
Maria Carvalho, Head of Climate Economics and Data, NATWEST GROUP
Peter Bachmann, Managing Director, GRESHAM HOUSE

Nature Data and Analytics: Measuring Impact and Supporting Disclosures
  • What role do data and technology play in enabling growers, retailers, and food brands to make decisions about sustainability across their value chains?
  • How can remote sensing and digital tools enhance agri-food companies’ ability to understand the scope and impact of nature-related risks and provide detailed nature and biodiversity data?
  • How does this data help meet the increasing demands from investors and regulators and the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), while optimising cost and efficiency?
  • What partnerships and collaborations are emerging to establish and standardise metrics for measuring biodiversity impact and compliance with emerging nature laws and regulations?

Charles Henderson, Climate Partner and Nature Lead, ERM

Kat Bruce, Founder, NATURE METRICS
Rune Floberghagen, Head of Climate Action, Sustainability and Science Department, ESA
Simone Mazzola, COO, 3BEE
Olivier Clyti, Directeur Stratégie, R&D innovation, RSE et Digital, INVIVO

Networking Coffee Break
Next-Gen Crop Protection: Adaptive Approaches
  • How do we effectively integrate biological and chemical crop protection solutions to meet the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy and optimise results?
  • What are the primary challenges and regulatory hurdles faced by biological crop protection products compared to chemical ones, and how can these be overcome to ensure fair and effective market access?
  • With the adoption of advanced biologicals in Brazil now outpacing the US, what does Europe need to do to catch up? What policies are needed to enable faster access to viable solutions?
  • How can the agricultural sector, including farmers and big food companies, collaborate to accelerate the adoption of sustainable crop protection practices, and what role do consumer expectations and retailer demands play in this process?

Sara Olson, Senior Director, Crop Science Venture Investments, LEAPS BY BAYER

Mark Brooks, Managing Director,FMC VENTURES
Jacqueline Heard
Gilad, Gershon, CEO, TROPIC
Kevin Helash, CEO, BIOTALYS

Driving Financial Inclusion and Mitigating Risk: Advances in Agri-FinTech and Parametric Insurance
  • What innovative financial products, including parametric insurance, are being introduced to meet the specific needs of smallholder farmers and agribusinesses? How are these solutions enhancing productivity and sustainability in agriculture?
  • How are Agri-FinTech companies addressing challenges such as reaching remote farmers to improve financial inclusion in agriculture?
  • In what ways can the integration of advanced technologies like AI and IoT into Agri-FinTech solutions further advance agricultural finance and management practices? What impacts are expected on farmers’ economic empowerment and their access to markets?

Inbal Becker-Reshef, Director, NASA HARVEST

Andre Veneziani, Head of Insurance, EARTHDAILY AGRO
Guillaume Garin, Business Development Director, Agriculture, DESCARTES UNDERWRITING
Jason Hernandez, Director of Strategy, AON
Marc Chautems,
Green Transition Data Scientist, AXA CLIMATE

AI Implementation: Building Trust in AI-Driven Solutions
  • As GenAI and AI platforms continue to develop at a fast pace, what will be the impact on the agri-food industry?
  • How can the agri-food chain harness GenAI tools and data tools to create sustainable and risk-mitigating outcomes in our food systems?
  • How do growers view ethical considerations surrounding data usage, protection, and consent?
  • How can we develop a dependable framework for validating assertions made by AI systems? What policy frameworks are being adapted to create transparency and how will this impact the evolution of these tools in the agri-food chain?

Feroz Sheikh, Group Chief Information and Digital Officer, SYNGENTA
Claudia Roessler, Agriculture – Strategic Partnerships, Cloud for Industry, MICROSOFT

Networking Lunch Break
Collaboration Spotlight: Quantifying Grower Benefits from Robotic Solutions
  • How are collaborative efforts overcoming technological barriers to the integration of robotics into existing agricultural practices?
  • How are machine learning and AI capabilities driving measurable improvements in planting, harvesting, crop monitoring, and overall efficiency for growers?
  • What measurable benefits are growers experiencing from adopting robotic solutions for tasks such as planting, harvesting, and crop monitoring?
  • How do the initial costs of acquiring and implementing robotic systems compare to long-term operational savings and efficiency gains for growers?


Chris Chavasse, Founder & CEO, MUDDY MACHINES
Mark Pinnes, SVP, Global Partnerships, INDIVILLAGE TECH SOLUTIONS

Reverse Pitch for Start-Ups and Investors

Join us for an engaging reverse pitch event where start-ups connect with investors to uncover the key factors in building successful partnerships. Start-ups will quiz top investors, exploring the essential support strategies needed for early-stage ventures to evolve, scale, and commercialise. Gain valuable insights directly from the VC community and learn what it takes to grow and build the perfect start-up-investor relationship.

Mary EllisCo-Founder & CEOPHEROSYN
William PeltonCo-Founder & CEOPHYTOFORM LABS

Mark Durno, Managing Partner AgriFood, ROCKSTART
Benoit Buntinx, Director of Business Creation, EIT FOOD
Daniëlla Vellinga, Investment Director, RABO VENTURES

Future Directions in AgTech: Innovations, Sustainable Investment, and Collaborative Strategies
  • What emerging technologies in climate-smart agriculture, and nature monitoring ag tech show the most promise, attracting early engagement, collaboration, and investment from industry stakeholders?
  • In the evolving financial landscape, how is the impact of climate on supply systems and food security creating new opportunities for investors to back sustainable solutions?
  • How are VCs and accelerators supporting the scaling of start-ups? What funding gaps must be addressed to bolster the innovation ecosystem?
  • How can effective strategy and partnerships between policymakers, universities, industry and investors be fostered to accelerate the commercialisation of new technologies, and what are the key factors that determine the success of these collaborations?


Alexander Hoffmann, General Partner, FORBION
Khuloud Odeh, Global Director of Digital and Data (Global CIO), CGIAR
Mario Caccamo, CEO & Director, NIAB
Michael Krel, Partner, SOFINNOVA PARTNERS
Tom Greene, Sr. Director, Global Leader Corteva Catalyst, External Innovation Investment, CORTEVA

Closing Remarks & End of Summit