Contact Us

If you have any questions please contact:

Marion Grimes
Senior Business Development Manager
Rethink Events
T: +44 (0)1273 789989

Rethink Events Ltd, 1st Floor, Huntingdon House, 20a North Street, Brighton, BN1 1EB, UK

Our Events

Start-Ups, Want to Power Up Your Network? Apply Now

Every year, hundreds of international investors, accelerators, corporate venture units and private equity groups gather at the World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit in London to uncover what’s next in agtech. Showcasing your solution at the summit is the best possible use of your valuable time and budget to get ahead and fast-track your conversations with them.

Since World Agri-Tech launched in 2012, over 300 innovators have pitched their solution or showcased their tech in the Start-Up Arena and exhibition, and countless have formed partnerships or closed rounds following conversations initiated at our summits.

Start-Up Profile: Your company profile and logo are featured on the event website and summit platform, used by all delegates.

Pre-Event Promotion: We announce your participation on our social media network, share your latest news, feature you on email, write and distribute a press release and build some noise before the summit!

Summit Passes: You get two delegate passes to attend the summit and take advantage of networking opportunities.

Access and Support: We take care of providing you with a branded booth complete with WiFi and power, making it easier for you to set up face-to-face meetings with delegates at the summit.


There’s no better stage for start-ups to present their next-generation solution and get onto the radar of active investors.

Talk to us today to elevate your presence by pitching on stage or taking a booth at the summit:

250 leading investors and accelerators from over 30 countries join the London summit seeking fresh technologies to invest in and scale. Could you be their next investment?

We have updated our privacy policy.
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