44 Start-Ups Transforming European Agriculture at World Agri-Tech London

The World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit in London on September 30 – October 1 will showcase the most exciting innovations emerging from across Europe and beyond. These are hand-picked to showcase scalable solutions which address agriculture’s biggest challenges.

From combining AI and lasers to eliminate weeds, to pheromone-based pest control, and in silico modelling for genomics, summit attendees will discover the technologies transforming agricultural productivity and sustainability, meeting face-to-face the brains behind the ideas.

Early-stage entrepreneurs take over a whole space at World Agri-Tech, with dedicated pitching stage and start-up booths in the Start-Up Arena:

  • OlsAro (Sweden) is working to accelerate the timeline of new trait development, for crop farming on previously unusable land, starting with salt-tolerant wheat.
  • FoodPilot (France) enables farmers and the food industry to accelerate decarbonisation efforts through its supply chain data collection platform.
  • Pherosyn (UK) integrates species-specific pheromones for natural crop protection from insects.
  • GreenImpulse (France) develops patented disease control technologies to sensitise multiple pathogens, mitigating emerging resistance and supporting plant health.
  • Ensemo (Austria) has developed a high-throughput mechanical solution which brings beneficial microbes into seeds, supporting large-scale biologicals adoption.
  • Foodlocker (Nigeria) is a market access platform, connecting smallholder farmers with access to credit, inputs, expertise, and markets.
  • Biographica (UK) combines machine learning and in silico modelling with invivo validation to rapidly pinpoint genomic modifications that can improve any trait, in any crop.
  • LUXEED Robotics (Netherlands) is building a smart agricultural machine that uses lasers and AI to identify and eliminate weeds with high precision, chemical free.
  • Map My Crop (USA) combines AI and satellite imagery, through its 360° Agro Suite platform, to help farms optimise yields, conserve resources, and make informed decisions.
  • Pf BIO (UK) utilises advanced biotechnology to deliver highly effective and environmentally friendly crop disease management products.
  • Aplex Bio (Sweden) uses Hyperplex PCR™ technology to enable detection of up to 100 markers in a single well with highly specific and ultra-sensitive performance.
  • Rainbow Crops (Belgium) has developed Trait Foundry™, an end-to-end technology platform designed to engineer complex traits in crops
  • Terensis (Switzerland) has developed an agricultural platform, acting as a one-stop-shop solution to assess the performance of any agricultural portfolio in the world.

Mid-stage companies will also feature across the summit’s busy exhibition and main stage programming, sharing unique perspectives after successful funding rounds to scale up.  Meet names including BioScout, FA Bio, Salicrop, Agreena, Muddy Machines, Reshape Biotech and Klim

Accelerators and investors CGIAR, Cultivator, EIT Food, EBRD, and The Yield Lab Europe will be joined by start-ups from across their cohorts:

  • CGIAR, with its focus on bridging science to market, presents ready-to-scale solutions in AI, monitoring, and crop protection from Artemis, ACIMATAR, MyFarmTrees, Tumaini, and Terra-i.
  • Cultivator introduces start-ups from Canada and the UK in a rapid-fire pitching session featuring AgGene, Livestock Water Recycling, 4Ag, Abazyne, Susterre, VETson, Pathoscan, BugBiome, and Agtelligence.
  • The Yield Lab Europe will discuss start-up growth strategies with Auravant, Gaia, and CarbonSpace, covering partnerships, scaling, and customer acquisition.
  • The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will spotlight the winners of its AgVenture competition for start-ups addressing green issues across the food value chain, from farming, processing and food packaging, to trading, logistics, distribution and retail.
  • EIT Food will be joined by a European cohort of MyEasyFarm, SeedForward, NOOVI, Constellr, EVJA, and Ficosterra

New this year, a reverse pitching session on the main stage will see start-up companies including Pherosyn and Phytoform Labs quiz Mark Durno, Managing Partner AgriFood of Rockstart on the key factors for successful partnerships, essential support strategies needed by early-stage companies and creating valuable start-up/investor partnerships.

Renowned throughout the agtech sector as a springboard for innovation, the World Agri-Tech summit in London has showcased more than 200 start-ups since its inception, attracting many more as delegates. Their fresh solutions and talent are in hot demand as potential partners for the hundreds of senior strategic innovation leaders and decision-makers from agri-food corporates, government agencies, and investors who will also be in attendance.

Detailed start-up profiles are available at www.worldagritechinnovation.com/start-ups with full details of each company’s technology, solution category plus funding rounds achieved to date.

Pre-summit networking launches on September 16 for delegates, speakers, start-ups and exhibitors to connect ahead of the summit and schedule meetings.  

The full programme, speakers, and delegate registration (including special rates for farmers, government, academics, NGOs and start-ups) are available at www.worldagritechinnovation.com